airBaltic Reaches 100% Staff Vaccination Milestone

airBaltic has revealed that 100% of its active workforce is now vaccinated against COVID-19. The airline now joins an exclusive club, including Singapore Airlines. While it is becoming a growing trend, compulsory COVID-19 vaccines are still not required by many airlines across the world.

airbaltic, Vaccinated Staff, Martin Gauss
airBaltic has reached a 100% milestone of vaccinated staff. Photo: Tom Boon – Simple Flying

While it is possible to catch COVID-19 after having been vaccinated against the virus, the COVID vaccine is largely seen as an avenue to re-enabling travel on both a short-and-long-haul basis. While some destinations still require that arrivals take a PCR test, many will now accept a vaccination certificate in lieu, with more airlines ruling out non-vaccinated staff.

airBaltic goes 100% vaccinated

Latvian flag carrier airBaltic has revealed that 100% of its active workforce is now vaccinated against COVID-19. The figure also includes employees that have recovered from the COVID-19 virus in the past six months.

The milestone is huge because few airlines have yet to reach a 100% rate of voluntary vaccinations against COVID-19. While Singapore Airlines was one of the first to reach a status of 100% vaccination, few carriers have yet matched the milestone. Many still have a small number of employees who can’t, or won’t, get vaccinated.

airbaltic, Vaccinated Staff, Martin Gauss
Nine members of the airline’s staff have been suspended without pay in line with government guidelines. Photo: Tom Boon – Simple Flying

airBaltic did actually have to deal with several unvaccinated individuals. According to the airline, nine members of staff were suspended for not showing proof of their vaccination or a recent recovery from the COVID-19 virus. These individuals are suspended without pay.

Of course, according to the airline, there are also several employees that can’t be vaccinated due to documented health conditions. These members of staff remain paid and working, but are working remotely to stop contact with others. airBaltic pointed out that all measures taken comply with the Latvian regulations on such matters.

A change in direction?

Commenting on the milestone, airBaltic CEO Martin Gauss said,

“Vaccination is the most efficient way how we can combat this pandemic. I thank our professional team for joining forces and becoming the first airline in Europe that has achieved 100% staff immunity.”

airbaltic, Vaccinated Staff, Martin Gauss
The airline’s CEO previously said it wasn’t up to him to mandate vaccines. Photo: Tom Boon – Simple Flying

The comments come as a little bit of a contrast to Gauss’ previous comments. Earlier this year he told Simple Flying that it wasn’t his place to require vaccinations of his staff, but that it is rather the role of respective governments.

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It seems as though we’ve reached a halfway point between Gauss requiring vaccines himself, and the governments requiring vaccines. While airBaltic is the one mandating vaccines, the airline is following government guidelines. The airline is one of the first companies in Latvia to implement the vaccination rule. airBaltic currently employs more than 1,490 people, including 228 pilots and 393 cabin crew.

What do you make of airBaltic’s vaccination progress? Let us know what you think and why in the comments below!

from Simple Flying
