Sunday Reads: Our Most Notable Stories This Week

Welcome to our last ‘Sunday Reads’ weekly digest for the month of September 2021! There has been no shortage of fascinating stories from the world of commercial aviation over the last seven days. As such, let’s check out some of the week’s top stories!

new embraer turboprop
The Embraer Turboprop has engines at the back, but why? Photo: Embraer

Why Embraer’s New Turboprop Has Its Engines At The Back

Brazilian aircraft manufacturer Embraer is presently best known for its range of popular regional jets. However, it has also produced turboprops in years gone by, and is set to do so once again. One striking aspect of its new turboprop design is the fact that its engines are situated at the rear of the plane. Simple Flying took a look at why this is the case here.

Vietnam’s Bamboo Airways Conducts First-Ever 787 Flight To The US

Bamboo Airways is one of several exciting startups currently going from strength to strength in Vietnam. The carrier recently made history by operating its first-ever Boeing 787 ‘Dreamliner’ flight across to the US, traveling from Hanoi to San Francisco.

Sunday Reads: Our Most Notable Stories This Week
Bamboo Airways flew a 787 from Hanoi to San Francisco on September 23rd. Photo: Bamboo Airways

Widebody Challenger: The CRAIC CR929 Is Now Under Production

The new Chinese-Russian CRAIC CR929 widebody has finally entered production. Touted as a potential challenger for the likes of Airbus and Boeing, CRAIC hopes to capture 10% of the widebody market by 2035. You can read more about it here.

Sunday Reads: Our Most Notable Stories This Week
Production on the C929 has begun, with mass production expected to start in 2025. Photo: Getty Images

Startup Northern Pacific Buys Six Boeing 757s To Launch Operations

Alaskan startup airline Northern Pacific has taken a key step towards commencing operations by acquiring six Boeing 757s. The first of these is expected to join the carrier by the end of the year. You can read more about Northern Pacific’s plans with the 757 here.

Northern Pacific first 757
Northern Pacific has secured its first six 757-200s. Photo: Northern Pacific

How Aer Lingus Flew Domestic UK Flights For Virgin Atlantic

UK-based readers may remember the days when Virgin Atlantic Little Red operated a series of domestic flights within the country. As it happens, these Virgin-branded services were actually flown using Aer Lingus planes and crew. You can read more about it here.

Virgin Atlantic Little Red Airbus A320
Virgin Atlantic Little Red served four UK airports. Photo: RussellHarryLee via Flickr

Which Airport’s Runways Are Furthest From The Terminal?

What’s the longest taxi time that you’ve ever experienced? Some airports demand more time on the taxiway than others, which the distance between the runway and the terminal often being a factor. Simple Flying took a look at the most distant runways this week.

Landebahn Nordwest
Frankfurt International Airport runway 07L/25R is more than three kilometers away from the terminal. Nevertheless, it is not the furthest away worldwide. Photo: Fraport.

If you’d like us to send you the week’s top stories in a weekly e-newsletter, you can sign up to the mailing list here. See you next week!

What was your favorite story this week? Let us know what your thoughts are in the comments!

from Simple Flying
