Feelgood Qantas Vaccination Promo Goes Viral

A Qantas advertisement released on Monday to promote vaccinations is capturing plenty of attention in Australia and elsewhere. The ad hits all the classic Qantas advertising key points – diversity, folksiness, connections, and family. Qantas wraps it all up in one slick 90-second package.

A Qantas advertisement promoting vaccinations is getting lots of eyeballs. Photo: Qantas

Qantas offers a masterclass in vaccination promotions

The advertisement was released in conjunction with a promotion within Australia. Qantas is offering a choice of flight vouchers, frequent flyer points, or status credits to Australians who upload proof of vaccination onto the Qantas app.

With virtually all of Qantas’ international services grounded, some darker wits have noted it gives the airline a ready-made database of who to target when Australia does finally open up and Qantas international resumes flying.

As of Monday, 24.5% of the Australian population were fully vaccinated. The good news is the vaccination rate is accelerating. The bad news is the Australian Government shows no sign of relaxing travel restrictions until the local vaccination rate hits about 80%.

Qantas had hoped strongly recovering domestic operations would offset the costs of grounding its international operations. But border closures and lockdowns within Australia have crippled Qantas’ domestic operations.

Acknowledging any return to normal operations largely depends on improved vaccination rates, Qantas is doing its best to encourage Australians to get vaccinated. Then perhaps the theory is once the Australian Government condescends to let its citizens go to and from their own country, Australians will open their wallets and start buying airline tickets again. Preferably on Qantas.

Qantas hits all the right notes

In the meantime, there is little rest for the Qantas publicity machine. The pro-vaccination advertisement entitled “Fly Away” includes a backing track from Melbourne girl made good, Tones and I.

In typical Qantas style, the shoot includes some pleasantly misty landscapes, a handful of cute kids, and smiling neighbours. A flight attendant gives a Singapore-bound bride’s wedding dress the VIP treatment even if the future bride and groom get relegated to premium economy.

The Disneyland bound kids, a riff on a rite of passage for most Australian kids, fare worse. They are off to LAX in economy class. The on-point rural bloke is London-bound in business class to see his young daughter – wheat prices must be good this year.

Generally, it’s pretty corny, but Qantas does corny well. The advertisement is getting lots of attention in Australia as a good example of how to promote vaccinations and what’s on offer once life normalizes again. People are asking why it is up to Qantas to do this?

Qantas cannot get back to international flying until vaccination rates improve and borders reopen. Photo: Qantas

Qantas promo finds widespread favor

Still, most people like the Qantas promo.

“Nice work Qantas – love it. As a P1 customer since its inception, I am very much looking forward to continuing my journey’s with you and your wonderful staff. Fully vaxxed (claimed my 1K points today too – thanks!), and ready for takeoff!,” one viewer posted on YouTube.

“Great job Qantas. Lets fly again!!! Missing loved ones I haven’t seen in two years” posted another.

“This ad slays the rubbish government ad about getting vaccinated. At least there’s some hope in this one,” added another.

Ultimately, feel good or not, Qantas’ ad is about driving the business forward. Qantas won’t get serious lift off again until Australia reopens its borders and allows its citizens to travel. Right now, all Qantas can do is push the cause.

from Simple Flying https://ift.tt/3zczB7n
