IndiGo Helps 22-Year-Old-Student Transport COVID-19 Aid

As India deals with its second COVID-19 wave, ordinary citizens and airlines have all chipped in for the efforts. This week, a 22-year-old Ph.D. student decided to carry important COVID-19 aid, including masks and sanitizers, back to his village in Bihar. However, his bag was weighing in at 5kgs over the allowance. IndiGo stepped and decided to waive all fees, allowing him to carry the baggage for free. Let’s find out more.

IndiGo Airbus A320-200
IndiGo has been flying essential aid across India, especially millions of doses of vaccines for immediate use. Photo: Getty Images

Stepping up

In a good deed this week, IndiGo has stepped up to waive extra baggage charges for a student looking to help his hometown. According to The Indian Express, 22-year-old Anupam Priyadarshi is traveling to his home in the state of Bihar tomorrow (Saturday). While flying out from Delhi, he decided to purchase and carry 5kgs worth of COVID-19 essentials, including masks, sanitizers, and medicines.

However, his baggage and additional aid exceeded IndiGo’s standard 15kg checked baggage allowance by 5kgs. So, Priyadarshi reached out to the airline on Twitter, requesting an exemption to carry the essential goods. IndiGo replied less than an hour later, reaching out over private message to work out the details and waive the charges!

IndiGo Airbus A320-200
As India’s second wave subsides, especially in Delhi, many are returning to their homes in rural areas. Photo: Getty Images

However, the story doesn’t end there. Priyadarshi then decided to reach out to poet and politician Dr. Kumar Vishvas to acquire more COVID-19 kits and set up a facility in his village. This request was also quickly heeded! He received 60 kits in total, allowing him to open up a center in his own village.

As India deals with its second wave, Twitter and other platforms have emerged as essential to coordinate medical care and resources. This story is one of the thousands that have occurred over the last few months and we wish Anupam good luck with his plan!

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On the front line

Airlines have been in the spotlight in recent months. Carriers globally have been flying into India during April and May, carrying everything from masks to massive oxygen generation units. Many of these have been humanitarian flights, with Qatar Airways and Emirates both setting up temporary cargo bridges to transport aid for free.

Meanwhile, Indian airlines have been equally busy. In addition to carrying essentials like medical oxygen, airlines have also been transporting another essential: vaccines. Since January, airlines have flown a massive 227 million doses over 1,500 flights to 60 cities in India. This figure grows by hundreds of thousands a day, giving airlines much-needed revenue.

IndiGo A320neo
IndiGo has the highest market share of vaccine transportation, which makes sense given it is India’s largest carrier. Photo: Airbus

For now, carriers will continue their transportation of vaccines and other aid as India’s rollout continues to grow. However, the situation on the usual passenger side is a lot bleaker.

Recovery starting

After a crippling April and May, IndiGo has said that it is finally seeing a recovery in passenger traffic. However, it could take until the end of 2021 to reach even 80% of pre-COVID capacity, dashing hopes of a full recovery this year. For now, airlines are making the best of the situation and work through the crisis.

What do you think about IndiGo’s response to the request? Let us know in the comments below!

from Simple Flying
