95% Of Qatar Airways Workforce Is Fully Vaccinated

Airlines across the globe have been keen to get their employees vaccinated as the industry seeks to recover from the impact of the pandemic safely. One carrier that has been leading with its vaccination program is Qatar Airways. Speaking exclusively with Simple Flying, Group CEO Akbar Al Baker shared that nearly all his airline’s staff members have been vaccinated.

Qatar Airways Airbus A350-1041A7-ANN
Qatar Airways has been busy with its vaccination efforts over the last few months. Photo: Vincenzo Pace

A national mission

The efforts of the flag carrier of Qatar reflect the ambitions of the overall country. The majority of the nation has received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine to fight against the virus.

Ultimately, Al Baker feels that that vaccination is the most important factor for travel to return to normalcy. However, there is, unfortunately, a shortage of doses, with countries, regardless of their status, failing to get sufficient supplies. Nonetheless, the executive is proud of Qatar’s achievements in this field.

“We, in the State of Qatar, have over 60% of our population already either fully vaccinated or have received their first shot. Hopefully, by the end of June, the entire population will be vaccinated. I’m very proud to say that at Qatar Airways, the entire group, which includes all the airport staff, airline staff, ground handling staff, retail outlet staff, over 95% have been vaccinated, and the remaining will be vaccinated over the next one week,” Al Baker told Simple Flying.

“We vaccinate, in our own clinics, around 1,000 to 1,200 patients or staff, every day, and as a matter of fact, we are now going to open Qatar Airways’ medical facilities to inoculate the other parts of our population.”

Al Baker advocates the significance in vaccines. Photo: Getty Images

The key solution

Overall, Al Baker recognizes the value of advancing with vaccinations. He shares that vaccinations are the route for travel to return in the absence of an antiviral drug. He urges the public to realize that if they want their lives to come back to normal, “they need to get vaccinated.”

Al Baker explains that there needs to be herd immunity for people to be comfortable. If this factor is achieved, there is a high possibility that this virus will get weak. So, he concludes that it is in the interest of everybody to get vaccinated.

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Wider efforts

Qatar Airways has been progressing well in this field across the board. Last month, the airline operated the world’s first fully vaccinated flight, where all of those involved had received both doses against the virus.

Qatar Airways IATA Travel pass
Qatar Airways was one of the first airlines to trial the IATA Travel Pass, which helps to record vaccine status, along with other required documents. Photo: Qatar Airways

Even before the approval of a vaccine, Qatar Airways has been keen not to let the pandemic keep it grounded. It worked with Hamad International Airport to keep passengers connected during the peak months of the global health crisis and repatriated millions stuck abroad.

Altogether, the pandemic continues to take its toll on several regions across the globe. It’s been over a year since the outbreak spread around the world, and travel hasn’t been the same since. Restrictions continue to rock operations, leaving many passengers unable to hit the air to see their loved ones or travel for work. So, the leadership of Qatar Airways is determined for more people to get vaccinated so passenger activity can continue to recover.

What are your thoughts about Qatar Airways’ vaccination progress? Let us know what you think in the comment section.

from Simple Flying https://ift.tt/3i1k5pi
