Sunday Reads: Our Most Notable Stories This Week

As we come to the end of March, it’s hard to believe that we’re already a quarter of the way through 2021. Nonetheless, as the days come thick and fast, so do fascinating stories from the world of commercial aviation! Let’s take a look at some of this week’s most notable articles.

JetBlue A320
We started the week by looking at why aviation uses nautical miles. Photo: Vincenzo Pace | Simple Flying

Why aviation uses nautical miles

There are several ways in which traveling by air bears great contrasts to land-based journeys. One of these is aviation’s use of nautical miles as a means of measuring distance. But why is this the case? Simple Flying took a closer look at this quirk, which you can read about here.

Why Boeing is building the 777X

Although its development has been subjected to delays along the way, there is a lot to be excited about when it comes to the Boeing 777X. But why exactly is Boeing building it? You can find out about this, and what sets the aircraft apart from others, here.

Boeing 777X
The Boeing 777X first flew last year. Photo: Getty Images

Meet The Aurora D8

As an industry, commercial aviation always has an eye on the future. This results in some very striking concept aircraft being dreamed up, and Simple Flying is always fascinated to take a closer look at these. This week, we explored the ‘double bubble’ Aurora D8!

Aurora D8
The D8 doesn’t look like your average plane. Photo: Aurora Flight Sciences

Airbus’s Zero Emission Hydrogen Aircraft

Staying on the subject of futuristic aircraft, a key consideration of new designs is their environmental footprint. European manufacturer Airbus is looking into the possibility of developing zero-emissions hydrogen-powered aircraft. Simple Flying took time this week to explore its futuristic portfolio of such designs, which you can read about here.

ZEROe aircraft
Airbus has proposed three ZEROe aircraft. Photo: Airbus

India Extends International Travel Ban Again

Back to the here and now, commercial aviation remains subject to extensive travel restrictions as countries attempt to minimize the spread of coronavirus. Earlier this week, India reinforced such measures by extending its international travel ban for passenger flights until the end of April. Simple Flying took a look at what this means for the country’s airline market.

Air India Getty
India’s original international flight ban came into effect around this time last year. Photo: Getty Images

Virgin Atlantic’s Vickers Viscount

Hearing the same Virgin Atlantic generally conjures up visions of long-haul flights to exotic destinations on iconic aircraft such as the Boeing 747. However, did you know that the airline also once briefly operated a Vickers Viscount on a feeder service from the Netherlands to the UK? You can find out more about this unlikely connection here.

Virgin atlantic Vickers Viscount
Did you know that Virgin Atlantic once flew a Vickers Viscount? Photo: Tim Rees via Wikimedia Commons

If you’d like us to send you the week’s top stories in a weekly e-newsletter, you can sign up to the mailing list here. See you next week!

What was your favorite story this week? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

from Simple Flying
