What's all the fuss behind Detox my Mac?

Someone was talking to me the other day about all the issues they were having with their Mac. I found this funny because I am a PC guy myself. But I have had my share of issues with my PC too. He invited me over so I could take a look, I guess somewhere out there, there is an unwritten rule that I know everything there is about computers. I barely walked through the door and got "You need to fix this now" His Mac was unresponsive, looking more like a piece of modern art on his desk then one of the worlds best machines. After restarting it a few times I fell back on my standard "what was the last thing you did?" A few questions later it was explained to me that the machine was slow, acting more like a car that was slowly running out of gas then the super fast machine it should be.

Remember, I am a PC guy. I tried everything I knew that worked for PCs, but none of it was working. I did a few searches and learned that Mac's have a nasty habit of holding onto useless information. Log files from every program you run, cache files from every thing you do in those programs and a host of other little tidbits of useless information sat somewhere on that Mac. I tinkered for a bit and found that my lack of knowledge might adversely effect what he needed done, which his Mac needed to be cleaned. One web search later "Clean out a Mac" or something along those lines and up popped Detox-My-Mac.com, the website was not flashy, it offered what I thought might have been too good to be true information and my first reaction was it can not be this simple.

Detox my Mac will intelligently scan your Mac computer and find all the different elements of none used worthless information. With just a click, there was no way I told myself. They went on to talk about all the cache files on Macs that collect information. None of this info is needed. It is like cookies that are used for websites, yes they help you, but after a while you get bogged down with so many of them that they take up more space then they are worth and slow you down. Okay, I get that part, I go through that with my PC, so my friends Mac was just as picky with useless information as my PC. The program was/is not expensive and they offer a full money back guarantee. To me if it worked it is perfect, it fixes his problem and if it did not work he gets his money back.

No scams, no games, just a simple fast download, a super easy install and before I was done even talking to him about what I was doing it was setup and ready to run. More then 30 different issues it can look for, searching caches and log files from one end of a Mac to the other. I could select as many or a few as I wanted. I figured I would go all out and select them all. Bang, done in a flash, just a few seconds and every log and piece of not needed information was shown to me. I clicked delete and waited for what was going to happen. Just as fast as it searched for the information, the information was deleted. Now that was quick.

Detox My Mac works incredibly well. It opened up a ton of space on his Mac, the response times improved and the over all speed was better. This program was/is perfect. They have lifetime updates, so even when he upgrades his Mac's OS, the program will get updated as well. 24 hour tech support, and really that 60 day money back guarantee is fantastic. They claim it is the most advanced cleaning software in the world; I have to agree with them. Detox My Mac is easy to install, easy to use and gets the job done. Now if they had something for PCs like this I would jump all over it myself. You Mac users have the upper hand yet again. My buddy is happy with the program, excited to have his Mac working faster then before and is thrilled at the idea that for one low price he got everything he needed. Sure I still took all the credit, but really detox my Mac did all the work.
