The Anti-Cancer Shopping List

The Anti-Cancer Shopping List

“Each patient carries his own doctor inside him.” ― Norman Cousins
It’s unfortunate that people see illnesses such as cancer as a treatable condition - not a preventable one.
They find false comfort knowing that modern medicine has found a way to deal with most illnesses.
But there’s a downside to using this as a safety net for making poor lifestyle choices.
Even though medical science has come a long way, it shouldn’t be an excuse to eat unhealthy foods that destroy you from within.
Joe Cross, creator of the film “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead”, was a prime example of this.
He was morbidly obese, riddled with autoimmune disease and used medications as a crutch to support his lifestyle.
In time, however, Joe realized that the medicine he took to suppress his inflammatory response could only get him so far.
It only dealt with the symptoms of his ailing health, but it didn’t target the root cause of his REAL problems.
He knew that if he continued on his path, he was headed for an early grave.
That was when Joe decided to leave behind his addiction to “Frankenstein Foods” and never look back again.
Over the next couple of months, he ate whole, unprocessed foods to cleanse his body.  Instead of taking medication, he used these foods to flush out the substances that were wrecking his immune system.
Eventually, he finally beat his autoimmune disease, lost a ton of weight and now lives a fuller, healthier life.
What makes food bad: The Food Industry’s Hidden Agenda
The problem with most food today is that they’re basically devoid of any nutritional value.
Food companies design their products to elate the senses to an unhealthy degree. This is so you won’t want to stop binging until you’re disgusted with yourself.
It’s no wonder so many people are suffering like Joe did.
When food is chemically built from the ground up to hijack your hardwired biological instincts...
...your judgment becomes skewed.
Like a lab rat pressing the food lever until it’s dead, we’re walking science experiments.
We happily chow down on unhealthy food until something like cancer gets in the way.
And one of the reasons why processed food is so bad is because they mess with your gut health.
Deep in your small intestine, you’ll find a protective layer that keeps you from getting sick.
This is called the gut barrier. It's made up of mucus, gastric acids and a wall of epithelial cells known as enterocytes.
Together, they work to keep out foreign invaders like viruses and bacteria.
This is the only thing standing between your bloodstream and potentially fatal toxins.
And eating the wrong food upsets the delicate balance of the healthy bacteria in your gut, weakening your built-in force field.
And once these malevolent invaders break inside, they’re free to do whatever they want.
For instance, they can make your immune system go nuts and start producing autoantibodies. Think of these as an overzealous security team that’s gone rogue.
Once they detect a threat, they shoot everything on sight, including innocent bystanders.
For instance, the healthy tissue that makes up your vital organs gets caught in the crossfire as well.
This process fuels autoimmune disease, which can lead to serious consequences - inflammation being the most common one.
In a nutshell, inflammation happens when your immune system is on high alert all the time.
When certain foods “force” it to deal with perceived threats round the clock, it will eventually run itself to the ground.
And as you’ve guessed, long-term inflammation is not a good thing.
This doesn’t just open the door to cancer, but other equally life-threatening conditions.
Diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s and dementia are just the tip of a very ugly iceberg.
That said, switching to the right food is the best way to take back your immune system and stop it from turning on yourself.
Here’s a list of the best foods that will stop cancer and a bunch of other diseases dead in their tracks:
#1: Vegetables
  • Asparagus
  • Low in calories
  • About 20 calories per serving
  • Rich in protein, folacin (great for pregnant women), vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin K (for blood clotting), calcium, magnesium and copper.
  • May prevent type 2 diabetes
  • Contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds
  • Bok Choy
  • One of the best cancer-fighting leafy vegetables
  • Has antioxidants like Vitamin A and phytonutrients
  • Omega-3 and vitamin K lower inflammation
  • Magnesium and calcium help build strong bones

  • Broccoli
  • Has sulforaphane which is linked to fighting cancer
  • Vitamin K is good for blood clotting
  • Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant
  • Fiber is good for gut health
  • Folate helps with cell and tissue growth
  • Potassium lowers blood pressure
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Considered to be one of the world’s healthiest foods
  • Has glucosinolates which fight cancer
  • Lowers cholesterol levels
  • Helps with digestion
  • Rich in sulphotransferase enzymes that protect your cells’ DNA

  • Daikon
  • Has antioxidant nutrients like vitamins B and C
  • Can prevent inflammation
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Helps liver get rid of toxins
  • Improves skin and bone health
  • Kohlrabi
  • Helps maintain your weight thanks to its fibrous content
  • Sulfurous compounds protect cells from dying, thus fighting cancer
  • Antioxidants fight free DNA-damaging radicals
  • Has calcium, copper, potassium, iron and manganese

  • Endives
  • Comes in three varieties: Belgian endive, frisée and escarole
  • Rich in vitamins A, C, E and K
  • Contains beta-carotene, folic acid and manganese
  • Also rich in calcium, fiber and potassium
  • Has anti-cancer properties - breaks up harmful free radicals
  • Helps eyesight and bone growth
  • Kale
  • Low in calories and fat
  • Has a good serving of vitamin A, C and calcium
  • Vitamin K is helpful in fighting cancer
  • Rich in cancer-fighting antioxidants like carotenoids and flavonoids
  • Omega-3 helps reduce inflammation

  • Non-starchy root vegetables
  • This includes artichokes, baby corn, beets, carrots, parsnips, radishes, rutabaga, turnips, Swiss chard and water chestnuts
  • Has low glycemic index which keeps your blood sugar levels stable
  • Great for brain health
  • Low in carbs
  • Improves your brain’s cognitive functions
  • Vitamin C and potassium protect the immune system and reduce inflammation
  • Peppers
  • Best ones are bell peppers, cayenne, habanero, jalapeño, paprika, and Tabasco peppers
  • Technically a fruit, but used as a vegetable in cooking
  • Prevents inflammation
  • Helps with gut health and improves immunity
  • Antioxidants like beta-carotene protect cells and fight cancer
  • Has vitamins A, C and E which also help destroy free radicals

#2: Fruits
  • Apricot
  • Low in calories
  • Has iron to prevent anemia
  • Lowers blood pressure and  cholesterol
  • Good for skin and hair
  • Contains loads of antioxidants
  • Calcium promotes bone growth
  • Fiber cleanses toxins and improves gut health
  • Avocado
  • Contains healthy fats which are good for the brain
  • Keeps you full longer
  • Keeps your blood sugar levels stable
  • Helps you break down carbohydrates
  • Antioxidants protect you from cancer
  • Beta-sitosterol keeps cholesterol in check
  • Vitamin D, K and calcium keep your bones strong

  • Coconut
  • Good fats like caprylic acid, lauric acid and capric acid provide fuel for your brain
  • Protects against Alzheimer’s disease
  • Fights sickness by boosting  your immune system
  • Lowers risk of diabetes
  • Antioxidants reduce cancer risk
  • Slows down aging caused by cell breakdown
  • Cucumber
  • Vitamin C and beta-carotene function as antioxidants and fight cardiovascular disease
  • Lowers excessive inflammation in the body and risk of cancer
  • Fiber and potassium promotes  good digestion, gut health
  • Improves blood pressure levels

  • Dates 
  • Promotes growth of healthy bacteria in the gut
  • Potassium is good for the heart and also treats diarrhea
  • Lowers risk of colon cancer
  • Magnesium and manganese, selenium and copper offer benefits like strong bones
  • Dragonfruit 
  • Plant-based chemicals called flavonoids promote robust immunity
  • Vitamin C also helps your resistance against sickness
  • Vitamins B1, B2, B3 are effective cancer fighters
  • Fiber is good for digestion and growth of intestinal flora
  • Helps keep blood sugar levels in check
  • Kiwifruit 
  • Targets the respiratory system to reduce asthma symptoms
  • Helps you break down protein and provide you energy on a busy day
  • Counteracts the effects of harmful oxidative stress that can lead to cancer
  • Zeaxanthin and lutein protect your eyes

  • Peaches
  • Good for the heart, lowers blood pressure
  • Carotenoids help prevent macular degeneration (eyes), cataracts and diabetes
  • Antioxidants prevent free radicals that harm your cells and cause cancer
  • Prevents breast, lung and colon cancer
  • Pears
  • A specific type of fiber called pectin fiber is water-soluble and promotes good digestion
  • Vitamin C prevents the damaging effects of oxidation in the body
  • Pear skin has anti-cancer phytonutrients like polyphenols, phenolic acids and flavonoids

  • Pineapple
  • Greatly improves your immune system through vitamin C
  • Fiber lowers risk of getting colorectal cancer
  • Prevents cardiovascular disease
  • Has anti-inflammatory properties and helps manage autoimmune symptoms
  • Tomatoes
  • Lycopene helps fight cancer by preventing cell mutation, also protects skin from UV damage
  • Beta-carotene is good for your heart and reduces oxidation as well as inflammation
  • Helps lower cholesterol

  • Watermelon
  • Prevents dehydration as it’s mostly made up of water
  • Nutrient-dense: contains Vitamin A, B1, B5, B6, potassium and magnesium
  • Has antioxidants like vitamin C, carotenoids and lycopene that fight cancer

#3: Nuts and Seeds
  • Almonds
  • Monounsaturated fat is good for your heart
  • Vitamin E reduces inflammation  and protects skin from the sun
  • Has cancer-fighting antioxidants
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Reduces risk Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases
  • Cashews
  • Protects cardiovascular health,  especially for those with diabetes
  • Copper helps antioxidant  compounds and nutrients disrupt free radicals and prevent cancer
  • Magnesium balances calcium and helps with nerve and muscle health

  • Flaxseeds
  • Helps prevent cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
  • Omega-3 is also good for the heart as well as the brain
  • Has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties to fight cancer
  • Gluten-free
  • Pecans
  • Healthy fats promote brain health
  • Manages stress hormone levels which also helps with weight-loss
  • Antioxidant components like phenols, proanthocyanidins, flavonoids and phenolic acids prevent cancer-causing oxidation in the body

  • Walnuts
  • Known as “brain food”
  • Antioxidants such as phenolic compounds, omega-3, gamma-tocopherol fight cancer (breast, prostate, and pancreas).
  • Monounsaturated fatty acids reduce bad cholesterol which is good for your heart
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Magnesium promotes bone and heart health, as well as digestion
  • Zinc is good for your cells and with emotional regulation
  • Prevents diabetes
  • Packed with cancer-busting antioxidants
  • Lowers inflammation
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Rich in healthy fat, protein, and fiber
  • Reduces inflammation AND risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Fights the onset of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease
  • Vitamin E fights cancer by destroying free radicals

#4: Herbs and Spices
  • Basil
  • Has anti-aging properties
  • Fights free radical damage
  • Lowers oxidative stress
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Increases resistance to illnesses
  • Lowers stress levels
  • Cinnamon
  • One of the spices with the highest ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) value, making it effective at fighting free radicals
  • Helps manage pain by lowering inflammation
  • Lowers cholesterol levels and blood pressure
  • Good for the brain
  • Manages blood sugar levels and prevents diabetes
  • Turmeric
  • Curcumin prevents blood clotting in the blood vessels
  • Reduces excessive inflammation
  • Has an antidepressant effect
  • Lowers risk of inflammation-related conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease
  • Promotes healthy skin and targets acne and psoriasis
  • Linked to the prevention of breast, colon and skin cancer
Learning The Ugly Truth About Food – And What To Do About It
Once you start using these foods in your life, you’ll feel more energized throughout the day. They’ll also boost your mental focus and help you stay full longer.
But knowing these foods are one part of the bigger picture when it comes to your overall health.
To learn about the full extent of the devastating effects of processed food, you need to check out this eye-opening documentary series:
It’s also got a wealth of information on how to prevent deadly diseases like diabetes, dementia, cancer, obesity and more.
