Reduce Hemorrhoids Pain

If you feel pain at the time of evacuation and suffer from discomfort such as itching, inflammation and stinging, it is very likely that you suffer from hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids affect the majority of the population from the age of 50 and although they are not dangerous, they can generate discomforts that affect the natural course of life that any person. Fortunately there are many things that can be done on your own to reduce the pain and discomfort caused by this condition.
Reduce the Pain of Hemorrhoids Naturally
  1. As a first step it is important to recognize the factors that generate hemorrhoids in order to avoid them. The main factors that cause this condition are: genetics, overweight, constipation, pregnancy, physical exertion, poor diet and lack of physical activity.
  2. Hydrate correctly. Many people do not know the importance of keeping the body hydrated. The correct hydration is important not only for health in general, but also because it helps to soften the stool, making it easier to pass through the intestine and also stimulates the movements of the bowel.
  3. Incorporate mild laxatives. In case the diet rich in fibers and good hydration does not help you get rid of constipation you can opt for mild natural laxatives which are sold in any pharmacy.
  4. Eat a diet rich in fibers. As I mentioned at the beginning, fiber is important to avoid constipation, soften the stool, increase its volume and stimulate bowel movements. If you have an adequate diet, rich in fibers and avoid foods such as hard cheeses, dairy products and high-fat meats, it will help with the healing process of hemorrhoids. Eat fruits and vegetables. Steamed vegetables are ideal for people who suffer from hemorrhoids.
  5. When making bowel movements, sit on the toilet with your back straight before starting the evacuation. It is important to understand that you should not make any effort with the anal muscles. Keep your back straight, breathe deeply until you fill the diaphragm and chest cavity, hold your breath and exhale when you go to defecate. 
    This technique is very advisable as it helps to relieve the pain caused by hemorrhoids by preventing you from using the anal muscles to exert the effort, as this would only cause your hemorrhoids to become more irritated.
  6. Witch hazel to relieve pain. This herb is highly recommended to reduce the inflammation and pain caused by hemorrhoids. Apply a cloth soaked in a witch hazel tisane on the affected area.
  7. Wear comfortable and loose underwear, preferably cotton. Change your underwear twice a day.
  8. Avoid the ingestion of alcohol and beverages that contain caffeine, since these cause the constriction of the anal muscles generating more pain and discomfort. 
  9. Practice physical activity to improve blood flow. Swimming is one of the best sports you can practice to alleviate this condition and to feel healthy and more energetic.
  10. Preventing is better than curing. Remember that if you have a healthy diet rich in fibers, practice physical activity regularly and avoid spending long periods of standing or sitting, you will avoid the appearance of hemorrhoids.
  11. Natural alternatives to cure hemorrhoids. In addition to everything indicated, you can opt for completely effective natural alternatives when it comes to reversing hemorrhoids. Some of them are:
  • Sitz baths. Fill your bathtub with about 10 cm of hot water and immerse the area affected by the hemorrhoids for about 20 minutes so that it is completely covered by water. It is important that the sitz baths are performed after each deposition.
  • Application of ice. Ice helps to reduce hemorrhoids and also reduces pain. Apply ice packs on the affected area for a few minutes about three times a day.
  • Application of creams. Finally you can opt for topical treatments. There is a wide variety of creams made with all-natural compounds that can be purchased in pharmacies and health food stores.
