Natural Treatments to Relieve Bleeding Hemorrhoids

Unlike what many people believe, we all have a tendency to suffer from hemorrhoids at any time of our lives, mainly starting at age 35.
Hemorrhoids are a condition that affects a large part of the world population and can become a very deep concern, mainly when pain and bleeding are involved. In this way many wonder how it is possible to relieve bleeding hemorrhoids in a natural way, since resorting to a surgical intervention could mean exposure to common side effects to which we submit to any type of operation.

Begin The Hemorrhoid Healing Process
Relieving bleeding hemorrhoids with natural treatments is really possible. First of all, what you should avoid is to let time go by. Hemorrhoids do not heal on their own, so it is important that you put yourself into action in order to begin the healing process.
When blood is removed during bowel movements, this is not a good symptom. In this case, it is not an intestinal problem, but it is the inflammation that hemorrhoids cause and they bleed when the tissue breaks.
This does not mean that whenever you suffer from hemorrhoids there will be bleeding. When the bleeding occurs it is because the tissue is damaged. However, to avoid this situation it is essential to relieve the swelling as soon as pain and discomfort appear.
To begin immediately to reduce the inflammation caused by the hemorrhoids and make them return to their normal size you should avoid unnecessary efforts such as lifting heavy objects, make excessive force during bowel movements and also should include as much fiber as possible. diet in order to soften the stool and facilitate the passage of the same by the intestines.
In the event that it is too late and the hemorrhoids have presented bleeding, you can use natural remedies that will help to relieve the bleeding.

Some Natural Remedies That Help Stop Bleeding:
  • Hazelnut cream . It is found in a plant known as witch hazel virginiana. This herb can be purchased at any herbalist or natural products store and is applied as a compress to help relieve inflammation and stopping bleeding. This plant is extremely effective because it has astringent effects that help the constriction of the blood vessels of the rectum.
  • Butcher Broom or Ruscus Aculeatus. This is another herb that helps to diminish the swelling of the tissues of the rectum since like the hammamelis virginiana it has astringent properties that collaborate with the constriction of the inflamed walls of the intestines. This herb can be consumed as capsules, ointments or compresses.
  • Mango Seeds.   Mango seeds powder is also a very effective treatment to cure bleeding hemorrhoids. You can consume the powder of mango seeds mixed with a little honey to which you must add a cup of boiling water in order to prepare a kind of tisane.
Drink two glasses of this preparation a day and in a very short time the inflammation will disappear.

Some recommendations
  • Hygiene is essential to accelerate the healing process of bleeding hemorrhoids. Many people are unaware of the importance of preventing blood from remaining in the rectum for a long time.
  • Another recommendation is that if you remain seated for a long time, it is advisable to stand up every hour and walk for three to five minutes to facilitate circulation. This will prevent the blood vessels from becoming irritated because a lot of pressure is exerted in that area when sitting for a long time.
  • Remember, also, that you should eat an appropriate fiber-rich diet, which you will find in green leafy vegetables, whole grains and fruits with peel.
    • Avoid sedentary lifestyle and practice physical activity daily. Choose any sport or activity that is to your liking and enjoyment, and perform a minimum of 30 minutes a day of physical activity. You can choose to walk, treat, run, ride a bike, swim, etc.
