My Mac Is Free...

There is a reason why I bought a Mac, it was not to be one of the cool kids that wanted the best of the best. No it was because of the music production I do on it. Hours and hours sitting in front of my Mac copying, pasting, moving, deleting, hour after hour just beating on my Mac in a endless assault to get my work done. That is the key part, my work. I work from home, it is great, but even if it is from home it is still work and it still needs to get done. So my Mac, I have it because it is fast, gets the job done and comes back for more.

But what happens when it doesn't want to do those things anymore?

I move around massive amounts of information and yes even on the almighty Mac this can cause a problem after a while. Things fragment, programs get corrupted issues come up. My light speed Mac slows down to a crawl and all of the sudden I simply can not get any work done. Because I work from home there is no IT guy to call and ask to come fix it. No instead I have to figure out what is wrong. I am lucky, I did, but not after trying everything under the sun first and wasting countless hours looking for one program that can do what I needed instead of ten programs. One program to lead them all….okay that was a lame Lord of the rings reference, but that program was/is Detox My Mac. A simple to use program that did not just fix my issues, it put my Mac on overdrive again. A few clicks and my Mac was clean and ready to rock and roll again. offered a lifesaver for me. Simply put the program is smart, even a PC user could use it that is how smart Detox My Mac is. It can intelligently scan an entire Mac quickly and easily. Mac's speed comes from two main points, the cache and your Mac logs. Problem is, is that the cache which helps your Mac speed things up, also slows it down. Macs save the most worthless information and stores huge amounts of info that not only is not needed but slows you done. Logs are the same way, every program run, every time, for everything you do a log file is saved. Logs are great if you need to see if there was a issue, otherwise logs again do nothing more then slow you do. Detox My Mac smartly removes these speeding your Mac up without adversely affecting you.  This is only the tip of the iceberg it does a whole lot more just as fast as easy.

Let's get the worry out of the way first; no it will not affect any of your applications. The intelligence of the program does not touch any files you use all the time, it removes the files that sit around and take up space. It works on Mac 10.5 and up (Leopard OSX 10.5, Snow Leopard OSX 10.6, Lion OSX 10.7 and Mountain Lion OSX 10.8.), its stable no issues no problems. The real kicker here is that there are free updates for life, so every time Mac upgrades so can you. One price, no monthly subscriptions, no hard installs and a program that even a child could use, not to bad for such a great tool that put my Mac back on the map of productivity with just a couple of clicks.

Detox My Mac can clean everything from your photos to your system caches; you can do a basic scan or a in-depth one. You select what you want scanned, Detox My Mac does the rest. Yes my Mac is free, it is free of clutter, free of the things that slow it down and I am free to get back to work without the slow downs and random issues that could popup. I can enjoy my Mac again by using the most advanced cleaning software on the market. Safe and trusted, 24 hour tech support if I need it and free updates for life. I am not seeing the issue here, it is the perfect program to get the job done.
