How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids

Most people usually suffer from hemorrhoids after 50 years. However, people who are overweight or pregnant women often suffer from this condition well before this age.
The most common symptoms of hemorrhoids are characterized by prolapse, itching, pain in the rectum, inflammation and bleeding. Although hemorrhoids are rarely dangerous, it is painful, annoying and recurrent, often affecting the life of those suffering from these ailments.
Fortunately, there are many treatments to prevent and reverse this condition and live a healthy life away from the horrible discomfort and discomfort that hemorrhoids usually cause.
To begin effective treatment it is essential to understand what hemorrhoids are. 

Basically, hemorrhoids develop when veins in the rectum swell and distend, such as the varicose veins in the legs.
There are two types of hemorrhoids: internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids. 

Internal hemorrhoids occur on the inside of the rectum while external hemorrhoids are those that develop under the skin of the anus. Undoubtedly, external hemorrhoids are the most uncomfortable because the skin that covers them is irritated and inflamed. In addition, when a blood clot forms in hemorrhoids it can lead to severe and severe pain. Usually this clot dissolves but leaves the skin irritated and causes constant itching.
Internal hemorrhoids rarely cause pain, even when they produce hemorrhage. However, they can cause prolapse and even extend beyond the anus causing more severe problems and possible infections.

Why Do Hemorrhoids Appear?
There are many factors that cause the appearance of hemorrhoids. One of the main factors is chronic constipation, the effort that is made when defecating and the fact of spending a lot of time sitting on the toilet. All this interferes with the correct blood flow in the region of the anus causing the blood vessels in the walls of the rectum to dilate. It is precisely for this reason that hemorrhoids are common during pregnancy, as the uterus enlarges and presses on the veins of the rectum.

How to get rid of hemorrhoids?
You can take measures from the comfort of your home to prevent the appearance of hemorrhoids and if you already have them, you can start to cure them.
  • Increase fiber consumption. Include fiber-rich foods such as vegetables and vegetables in your regular diet. You can also consume fiber supplements such as Metamucil or Citrucel. Supplements rich in fiber are highly recommended as they help reduce bleeding and relieve inflammation caused by clots that form in the rectum. Fiber is important because it softens the stool, increases its volume and makes them pass more easily through the intestine without putting pressure on the hemorrhoids.
  • Physical activity . Perform moderate aerobic exercise such as brisk walking for about 30 minutes a day. In this way it will stimulate the intestinal function.
  • Take the time necessary to make your depositions. When you feel the need to go to the bathroom, do not hold back. If it contains the desire to evacuate, it contributes to constipation, which leads to greater effort and pressure when defecating.
  • Sitz baths. Hot water baths in the affected region are highly recommended to relieve itching and reduce the inflammation that hemorrhoids cause. To make a seat bath fill your bathtub with hot water with about 10 cm of water and sit so that the area inflamed by hemorrhoids is covered by hot water. Ideally, sitz baths should be performed after each stool and they should last around 20 minutes.
    • Ice compresses. It is also very advisable to apply an ice pack on the area of ​​the anus for a few minutes as the cold helps to reduce swelling and reduces pain.
