Heal Your Hemorrhoids At Home

Who has suffered from hemorrhoids knows how painful and annoying they can be. Although traditional medicine offers a wide variety of treatments to combat this condition, many people prefer natural alternatives. Fortunately, there are endless home treatments that can be put into practice to immediately begin to heal inflammation and relieve the pain caused by hemorrhoids.
The typical symptoms of hemorrhoids include itching, inflammation, burning, irritation, inflamed tissue, general pain in the rectal area and; in more extreme cases, there may be bleeding. 
Hemorrhoids do not disappear immediately but if you start a natural treatment as soon as possible, you can reverse this condition in a short time and begin the healing process of hemorrhoids in your home.
Some of the factors that cause the appearance of hemorrhoids are:
  • Pregnancy
  • Obesity
  • Lifting heavy objects
  • Sedentary and poor nutrition
  • Lack of proper hygiene
  • Lack of exercise
  • Excessive effort in bowel movements
  • Constipation
The first thing to do to reduce hemorrhoids is to stop the progression of hemorrhoids. This implies that your bowel should function properly.
Hygiene plays a fundamental role in relieving the pain and inflammation of hemorrhoids.
The advisable thing is that after each deposition keep the area of ​​the anus clean. For this, after evacuating, it can be gently cleaned with a warm cotton damp cloth. Then dry the area very well with a clean towel.

Treating Hemorrhoids at Home
Here are some tips that you can start applying immediately from the comfort of your home and in a short time you will be able to cure hemorrhoids.
  1. Do not rub the area of ​​hemorrhoids. Avoid rubbing the affected area, mainly when it is sanitized. When taking a shower use a neutral soap that does not contain detergent, coloring or perfumes.
  2. Carry a diet rich in fibers, in this way the stools will increase their volume and soften by passing more easily through the intestinal tract so that greater inflammation of the rectal area will be avoided.
  3. Avoid constipation The normal thing is to evacuate at least once a day.
  4. Use cotton and comfortable underwear. This will prevent the accumulation of moisture in the area of ​​the anus as this could cause inflammation. In addition, tight underwear puts pressure on the anus, which can aggravate the inflammation of the hemorrhoids.
  5. To avoid constipation, in addition to including fiber in your diet should hydrate very well. The ideal is to consume a minimum of 3 liters of water per day and if these two measures do not overcome constipation, may include mild laxatives.
  6. Avoid straining or holding your breath during bowel movements. 
  7. Rest properly. Rest is of vital importance as it relieves pressure in inflamed veins. At bedtime you can do it by lying on your stomach and placing a pillow under your hips, this will help relieve the pressure on the hemorrhoids.
  8. Avoid your body working excessively. Do not lift heavy objects or stand or sit for long periods. In case you should remain seated for a long time, if possible, sit on a pillow.
  9. Take sitz baths with warm water. You can fill the bathtub about 10 cm and sit on it supporting the affected area so that the water covers it completely. The seat baths should last 15 to 20 minutes and are ideal as well as inflammation of the hemorrhoids stimulate evacuation.
  10. Apply ice packs several times a day for about 10 minutes. After the ice apply a hot towel over the area of ​​the hemorrhoids. The combination of cold and heat will help to constrict the blood vessels of the anus.

Herbs to Relieve Hemorrhoid Symptoms
  • Aloe vera 
Cut a leaf of aloe vera in two and apply directly on the affected area several times a day. This plant will help relieve the itching and pain caused by hemorrhoids.
  • Tea Compresses
This is another natural remedy that helps with the healing process of hemorrhoids. It has astringent properties so it will help reduce the inflammation of the rectal veins. Prepare the tea as usual, keeping the bag and place in the refrigerator. When it is cold, apply the bag on the affected area and let it act for 15 minutes. Repeat this procedure two or three times a day.
  • Garlic Enemas
Garlic is a food that has multiple healing properties for the body. You can perform an enema with an elaborate preparation with a cup of hot water, two cloves of crushed garlic and two tablespoons of petroleum jelly. This will help cleanse your bowel and soften stool, in addition garlic decreases inflammation and provides relaxing effects.
