8 Ways to Prevent Hemorrhoids

After 35 years, a large part of the world population is affected by a very common condition: hemorrhoids. Although it is a disease that can aggravate with the passage of time, fortunately there are a number of steps that we can use to prevent the appearance of them and reduce inflammation, discomfort and pain they produce.
In this article I want to share with you some recommendations that can help you prevent hemorrhoids and also begin the healing process of them.

8 Ways to Prevent Hemorrhoids
1. Food
Food is one of the factors that mainly affect the appearance of hemorrhoids. It is precisely for this reason that to prevent them it is necessary to take an appropriate and balanced diet.
Be sure to include enough fiber in your diet. Include in your regular diet whole grains, fruits with peel and green leafy vegetables since they have high fiber content and it helps to increase the volume of feces and makes them softer, facilitating their passage through the intestinal tract.
Another way to incorporate fiber independently of food is through dietary supplements that can be purchased at any health food store or herbalist.

2. The Drinks You Should Avoid
Avoid those measures that are not recommended for health in general and that help with the appearance of hemorrhoids.
There are a number of drinks that you should avoid to prevent the onset of hemorrhoids. Among them the one worth highlighting:
  • soft drinks, mainly drinks and cola
  • the alcohol
  • drinks that contain caffeine

3. Hydrate Yourself Enough
Water is a necessary element for the health of the organism in general. Proper hydration helps the body to eliminate waste and toxins. In addition, one of the main factors that cause the appearance of hemorrhoids is constipation. Drinking the right amount of fluid will not only help keep you hydrated properly, but helps soften stool and keep the bowel hydrated.
It is advisable to drink a minimum of 3 liters of water a day, although this also depends on the body weight of each person. People who are overweight should consume more water.

4. Avoid Sedentary and Practice Physical Activity
Another factor that contributes to hemorrhoids are sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity. If you are able to perform a daily exercise routine, this will undoubtedly help prevent hemorrhoids. Just enough to do 30 minutes of any type of physical exercise every day. This will help to tone and strengthen your body and also, physical activity helps the digestive system work better because it strengthens the anus and rectal areas, thus collaborating favorably with the elimination of waste.

5. Avoid Lifting Heavy Objects
Excessive physical exertion can cause hemorrhoids to appear. In this way, it is advisable that you avoid lifting heavy objects on your own since not only do you risk injuring your back or some other parts of your body, but it could also lead to the appearance of hemorrhoids, because when the body presses to lift a heavy object, it could cause veins in the rectum to swell.

6. The Right Hygiene
It is also essential to keep the area of ​​the anus clean. This involves performing the proper hygiene. After each stool, it is advisable to wash in order to avoid irritation of the tissue by constant contact with toilet paper. It is also recommended that you change your underwear frequently and that the clothes you wear are loose, comfortable and made of cotton.

7. Avoid Excess Weight
Excess weight is not only detrimental to health, it can also contribute to the appearance of hemorrhoids. You must maintain adequate body weight in order to prevent that extra weight from exerting pressure on the veins and tissues of the rectum area.

8. Go to the bathroom when nature indicates
Surely you have heard the phrase: "nature is wise". You should not force your bowel movements as excessive force could exert great pressure on the tissues and veins of the rectum area causing inflammation and that acute pain that is usually related to hemorrhoids.
It is advisable to go to the bathroom when the nature indicates it and do not spend more than three minutes sitting on the toilet. If at this time you can not make the bowel movements, leave the bathroom and only return when you feel the need to evacuate.
